sábado, 5 de febrero de 2011

why I am like this?

Why I am like this?

I am like this because there is something called dna and before my parents had me the genes of them where the ones that decide how I was going to be and what physical traits I was going to have and there were some genes of my mother that where dominant or recessive and the same happens with the father so there are some traits of my father and also of my mother and these ones came out with me. Every single baby that goes out has to be unique because everyone has a different combination of this DNA every combination is the mix of some letters like A and T and C and G but everyone has different combinations of them.

MOM: Some of my traits are similar from my mother these ones are my skin color my nose my ears my height but I also have co-dominant traits these means that are mix from my father and my mother these ones are my eye color my hair color and that I am skinny.

FATHER: Some physical traits that I have from my father are my hands and my lips.

In conclusion everyone is different and has the perfect combination of the mother and father and everything that makes us unique is the DNA.

1 comentario:

  1. Gio!!! Getting better! Even tho there were some mistakes your text was nice and coherent... I really liked it!
