domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011

why do I look like these?

the genes are the units of inheritance and they transmit from the parents to the children the principal characteristic.
there are like a book with a code where all the body functions and how your body is going to look like, allways the posotions of the genes will be different.
the genes are alwais inside the chromosomes, each chromosome can have thousands of genes inside.
the austriaco Gregor Mender in 1860 was the first one in observe the inhentances models in the pea's plants.
there are tow kids of genes: the dominant genes and the rececive genes.
there are biologic characteristic that are stronger in the generations, there are represent by capital letters: AA, BB (they are similar) Aa, Bb, C that is this case the recesive characteristics are hide. example: if the father have blue eyes and the mother have brown eyes, the son have more probability to have brown eyes, because the brow eyes are domiant genes so is stronger than the blue eyes that are recesive genes.
there are the biological characteristics that are not present frecuently.
there are remein hide. there are represent with samall letters aa, bb, cc.... there are small genes that are weak and fragil.

thats why I look like this, becuse the dominant genes of my mother were transmit to me.

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