domingo, 30 de enero de 2011


Why do humans reproduce?

Well is pretty easy to explain why humans reproduce, well is natural and is part of the life cycle to burn, to grow, to reproduce, to die. To reproduce is one of the things most normal in the nature.

Humans reproduce because it is part of our lives, and the nature was created like that and we can't fight with the nature.

Humans reproduce to create new life, not only because of that, people reproduce to have a family, or it can be an accident.

Well but be carefull because if you take the decision to reproduce and create a new life, first think if you have the sufficient resourses to have a baby.

How do humans reproduce?

To reproduce is necessary two people of opposite sex, a man and a woman, the man have a different reproductive sistem and the woman have another reproductive sistem, in the reproductive sistem of the woman have a sez cell called ovule and the sex cell of the man is the spermatozoide, when the sex cell of the men and the sex cell of the woman meet they create a new life.

But if you want to have a baby you most plan the pregnancy.

2 comentarios:

  1. Sofi, it´s a nice reflection, and I liked your last comment (you mjst plan it!) but there are many!!! spelling mistakes! ç

    what is sez? to burn? etc.. Please check and correct!

  2. Sorry Angie, I'm working on it,I'm treating to do the best.
