sábado, 22 de enero de 2011

life cycle

                                        Life cycle
The life cycle is the natural process that every living being has to play in nature, so, natural beings are born, grow up. reproduce, and die, this cycle obviously meets only living beings, not to speak of the kingdom, but of generes: the human race, animals, and plants. (obviously does not fit the mineral because they are inanimate objects), the death if it is part of the cycle, since it is precisely this state, which marks the end of the cycle, if you look at it individually, remember that by association or collective the cycle continues, what way? very simple, every genere is played, the man leaves his offspring, children, grandchildren, descendants, and so on, are going to preserve each species according to their gender, that is what is known as life cycle.
Written by:  Manuela Aguilera

2 comentarios:

  1. Manu, is this really written by you? Thanks for sending me an invitation for the blog...! Not!

  2. yes... but my step father help mee :S sorry if it dosent se written by mee! my step father now a lot about ir and he help me :S
