sábado, 29 de enero de 2011

how and why humans reproduce


The human being use the system of sexual reproduction as many other living beings in this system there is necesary to have two individuals, of the same specie, but of different sexes each one.

They have to join, so the sex cell of the male called sperm enter to the female reproductive system, to join with the female sex cell called ovule and make a process called fusion or fertilzation.

First than the fertilzation the humans have to grow, so they can be more mature and when their bodies and mind are ready to recive the son that is a new life.


All the living beings have a life cycle, also every living being have to all the functions in they life cycles .Some of the die very early and the can't do all the functions in their life cycles That functions are to be born, to grow, to be big, to reproduce and then to die. That also happens to the human being. But now many humans are not mature when they have sex and thats why many kids are abortive or are abandoned, because now the teenayers don't think in the responsability that is to create a new life.

3 comentarios:

  1. Santi, That was a much better reflection! Even though there were several mistakes, I understood the whole reflection, and I liked the fact that you talked about responsibilit! Nice job!

  2. Querido Hijo: nos hace muy feliz saber que estas muy motivado con este tema, el cual vemos tienes muy claro desde el punto de vista de como se reproduce el ser humano, tambièn es claro entender que los genes en muchas ocasiones no se transmiten inmdiatamente de uan generaciòn a otra, si no que puede ser en la segunda o tercera generaciòn, ejemplo el color del cabello o el color de los ojos, como ha sucedido en nuestras familias.
    Felicitaciones por tu constante interes y dedicaciòn.

    Con amor, tus papitos

  3. Wow!!! You, papito and mamita, deserve a recognition for being so committed and motivating!!! Congratulations for being a great family!
