domingo, 23 de enero de 2011

life cycle

A life cycle is a process wich all the living beings go through : to be born , to grow , to reproduce and then die .

I think that we are just thinking on our own benefit and we dont think on the damage we are doing to the environment and to the living beings ( animals and plants ) life cycles .
We are living animals without a place to live , we are cutting trees and contaminating the air , the water and with that their habitats , we are hunting in excess , thats a reason why many animals are in danger of extintion .
sometimes we just think on ourselves but sometimes we dont know that every thing we do has consequences , if we contineu interrupting the animals and plants life cycles, the food chain will be unbalanced and that will make that many species dissapear , living us with nothing to eat .

in conclusion, we should care a little bit more about what we have in this moments , we should transmit to our families and friends what is happening to the world and what can happen in few years if we continue damaging it , we should start planting trees , creating knew lifes and stop throwing garbage to the floor , this are three options you could take into account to help many species to have a complete cycle and perpetuate it .

mariana bergonzoli o.

1 comentario:

  1. My Mari!! Wow, is the only thing I can say... Super nice reflection!
