domingo, 30 de enero de 2011


Organisms have sex cells called gametes, humans reproduce sexually, that means that women and men need each other and their reproductive cells (gametes), in mens the reproductive cells are spermatozoids and in women the ovule, so they join them to create a new life, this is fertilization.

Humans reproduce for continue with the perpetuation of this specie, and because we come for one cause, for making the life cycle, to born, to grow, to reproduce and to die so we have to reproduce for our specie continues and repites the life cicle so our specie never ends, reproduction is a very important thing because we and everybody depends of it, its natural and normal.

NOTE: When making the decision of having a baby be sure with who and you have to take into your mind who you will support the baby, and also if you alredy have the age or if you are really mature.

In conclusion human reproduction is a very important thing, but responsable sexual reproduction and natural for the perpetuation of species.

Sebastián González

4 comentarios:

  1. really good text!!
    i agree with you , we come here to complete a life cycle and to help our kind to last forever , and when you take the decision of having a baby take into account your age and maturity .
    it was a great text , congratulations

  2. Juan Se, I agree with you when you said that humans have to be mature and know that having a baby needs a big responsibility! I like it a lot!

  3. Sebas! Super nice reflection! The best so far! I love the note you wrote at the end and I hope you take into account when you grow a bit more... Great job!

  4. Juan se, I agree with you in: The responsability and mature!!!!"!!!!
    Very good i like it so much!!!
