martes, 25 de enero de 2011


In this kind of axeual reproduction the leaving being take out some parts of its body, from this part of the body is the genetic code of the living being and the part of the body of the first individual and the second individual grow from there with the same genetic code of the first undividual.

Trhe organism that use this system are like the yuca and the arracacha.

If the axeual reproduction is natural, why is negative for humans ?

The asexual reproduction is negative for humans because the humans are use tow the sexual reproduction and the axeual reproduction some new for us and the people don't like the new things for them.

what will happen if humans cloning?

If humans clone it will be normal , but all of as will be the same , all of as will have the same of the same genetic code.

by:Santiago Gutierrez

3 comentarios:

  1. Santi, first of all what is axeual? There some other mistakes like that and the problem is that it interrupts the appropriate communication. The reflection was ok.

  2. guti it was very interesant ,I learned somthing new that I doesnt now.

  3. Guti: Gracias por aportarnos tus conocimientos, pues el comun de las personas tendemos a pensar que la reproduccion o clonaciòn se da unicamente en seres humanos y animales, el caso que nos planteas es de interès pues nunca llegamos a pensar que pasa con otros seres cuando se dividen y de donde toman su patròn de crecimiento y reproducciòn.

    Gracias hijo, te amomamos, tus papitos.
