Well sometimes we ask why we have similarities with our parents. Well the thing that makes us to see equal or have similarities with our parents is something call DNA.
All of us have DNA the DNA we can say is like a kind of chip that has all the information of the individual (hair color, eyes color, skin color, kind of skin, character, etc). And you would be asking but what if the DNA does not pass from our parents to us when they sniff, well when the individual when reproduces with the other gender pass with its sex cells their DNA by a thing called chromosomes, and when the male sex cell (sperm) and female sex cell (egg) fertilized the DNA then both genders had create a new combination of DNA for the new individual. Then of that the chromosomes that are the ones that give like the instructions for construct the new individual start like in a combat of choosing if the male or the female chromosome would give the color eyes of the mother or if it is gone have the red hair of the male as I already said they start a combat to see how is more dominant of both of the new individual (baby) that is gone to have life.
Below some photos and characteristics I inherit from my parents
FATHER: I have the same color and shape of my father’s eyes; I have the same type of hair of mi father, also I have my father hands, eyebrows and teeth.
So in conclusion of the question of why I do I see like this, is that all of us are full of a DNA that make us unique and we have to be thankful with the millions of chromosomes that create us for make us and thanks God most of us does not have serious illness.
sALO, THE BEST ONE! very complete and organized... Better spelling!!! and you wrote the bibliography.. nice!!!