create a new life for helping the world.
to create a new plant and see how he grow and learned how they are.
I think my plant is going to grow, but i have to give to my plant allways many love, water, sunligth for he grow big and big.
my plant doesnt grow because I need to give him many love and also to give him water all days on the morning, I think next time I have to give him many love and also many water all the days on the morning.
Plants reproduce in a form called asexsually because they doesnt have a sperm intro an ovule for create a new live or a new baby plant.
when it star to pass the days I was many preucupate because my plant doesnt grows and then on other day I sad why it doesnt grows? , then I reflect I was thinking I have togive him more love, water, and also many sunligth.
good soil
many love and also many responsability
first I take the container and I put many soil at the middle of the container
then I put the seed on the container
I put water in the soil
I wate many days
Juan Sbastian Corzo Millan
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