I look like this because God decide to make me like this. Like the way I am God love me. I think to I am like this because when my mother and my father where going to made me the sperms of my mother and my father be together I take some parts of my body from my mother and other from my father. I love the way I am because I am not perfect and I don’t want to be perfect because ¿Why people want to be perfect? ¿Perhaps they don’t like how God made them? I don’t understand. ¿ Why be perfect? Nobody is perfect except God. And being realistic I don’t want to be perfect and I don’t like the persons who want to be perfect. I think that the ones who want to be perfect never are going to be perfect so ¿why they try? I think they are wasting the time making all the things they know that with that they can be perfects but no! The only one perfect is God and God decide to make them perfect or no! Why they waste money in things that are stupid? I don’t know. So my answer is simple I look like this because God want to make me see like this. It doesn’t matter if I am beautiful or ugly I am the way I am.
Laurita, Your reflection is just different, you have a different point of view which I respect. I don´t agree with you in the fact that you said that God made you like that, but I respect it. Why did you mention the word perfect so much? My question was simple, why u looked like that... Something else: you mom does not have sperm (your dad!) your mom has an ovule, I don´t know if your mistake was because of punctuation. We´ll talk about this tomorrow!