When my friends started to plant their plant I wasn´t there because I was in U.S.A so when I arrive they told me that you have to plant a plant, so at the next day I plant some orange seeds and almost two weeks later it doesn´t grow even the roots and I think it doesn´t grows because I doesn´t put water every day, I doesn´t take it out to recive sun ligth and air and I think the main problem that doesn´t let my plant grows was that the seeds were up the soil so it doesn´t grows. Like my diary says ''in about three weeks after I planted the seed it doesn´t grows''. So I said that if i change the seeds it would grow?
So i try it with some seeds that Juanse (Sébastian Gonzaléz) gave to my that were of Home Sentry I plant them and I start to take care of my plant more than with the other so when I arrive to school I put water, I take it outside to recevive air and sun ligth, and after two weeks it was equal than the other but I continue puting water and all that to let my plant grows and yesturday after all that process that I have to do every morning, yesturday 11 of february of 2011 I say that my plant grows a little beat, so I put very happy becuse after four or five weeks my plant grows.
In conclusion if you want that a plant grows help it because if you want that it grows you have to put water, take it out to recessive water and sunligth and in my caise change the seed if it doesn´t grows or put the seeds in other container so you would see if it could grows.
juandi leí tu reporte ye esta muy bueno te aconsejaría que profundices un poquito mas claro que tu reporte esta muy bueno te felicito y sigue esforzadamente ok :D :)
ResponderEliminarI ike tha fact that you´re being very honest with what happened to yr plant, but there are sooo many mistakes!
I put very happy: I got very happy,
Recessive water???
My plant grows.... my plan grew! PAST! CAN U CORRECT IT????