In January 14, we have to start a new life by planting a tree. I plant 3 beans called Lilly, Oliver and Jaemy because I thought that are beautiful names. All the days we have to put water to our plants and put it at the sun. In January 18, I saw the roots of my plant, I was very happy that my plant grows. In January 20, I saw the steem and the little leaves of Lilly and Oliver, I put water to my plants. In January 24, I saw that Jaemy was growing and growing like Lilly and Oliver. Lilly and Oliver already have the leaves very big and strong. In some days I saw my plants bigger and I thought that I am a good mom because I care about them, I give them love, sunlight and water for them to grow, and they do it. At first I think that they are not going to grow, and I was sad, but then they grow, and I felt very proud of my plants.
I learned that by doing this lab, that we had plenty of responsibility to keep alive our plants, we have to put them attention because if they need water and you dont put it, it would die, you have to give them love because the plant would grow in a good way and if not it would die, etc. But if you dont take acount all these things your plant will die. This was a experience very educative because this is like a guide that showed us how to care a baby and that it is not easy.
Most of all my classmates take care of their plants and they achieved to create a new life. Thats good because we are putting our own bit to be able to have a better world. We have to continue like this if we want a better world.
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