Aquí encontrarás cómo la reproducción puede afectar la perpetuación de las especies de seres vivos.
lunes, 20 de junio de 2011
Para el miércoles, recuerden que las rutas pasarán normalmente a sus paraderos, deben venir ese día con el UNIFORME DE DIARIO COMPLETO, BIEN PELUQUEADOS, BIEN PEINADITAS, ZAPATOS EMBOLADOS; este día les tomaremos las fotos de la graduación, así que es importante venir bien organizados. PARA EL ENSAYO GENERAL TODOS DEBEN TRAER SUS PALITOS DE MADERA!!
EL día Jueves, deben venir con UNIFORME DE GALA COMPLETO!!!!!. Incluyendo su blazer, por organización y sobre todo por protocolo.
Si alguno puede transmitir estas indicaciones vía FACEBOOK, se los agradecería.
Besitos, Marcianita
sábado, 11 de junio de 2011
Revisando las calificaciones que llevan los chicos en este periodo, les recuerdo que aún nos queda trabajo por hacer y cositas por aprender. ¡Esta es una buena noticia! Los animo a hacer un esfuerzo grande para que TODOS pasen todas sus asignaturas en limpio. En este caso, les quedaría sólo la próxima semana para "meterle la ficha" al colegio. ¡Falta muy poco... pero todavía hay oportunidad! ¡Ánimo, muchachos!!!
Modifiqué un poco las asignaciones, de manera que quedan así:
INGLÉS: El discurso de graduación del PEP. La extensión debe ser de por lo menos una página de hoja portafolio. Recuerden que este discurso será calificado.
ESPAÑOL: El discurso de graduación del PEP. Iguales especificaciones que para el de inglés.
- Leer "The lost world" hasta la pág. 58 y escribir un breve resumen de cada capítulo. Llevarlo para leer en clase, porque debemos terminarlo para el JUEVES 16.
- Booklet, pag. 57 hasta 63, 73 hasta 75 y 117. La mayoría ya fueron hechas en clase, de acuerdo con el manejo del tiempo de cada estudiante. Son ejercicios muy sencillos de completar oraciones con diversos temas gramaticales.
- El refuerzo de inglés para quienes obtuvieron desempeño básico o bajo en el tercer periodo. Este trabajo consiste en corregir el cuento que escribieron en la unidad de indagación "Cómo compartimos el planeta", teniendo en cuenta todas las estructuras gramaticales, ortográficas, de tiempos verbales, construcción de oraciones, puntuación y vocabulario trabajados durante el año. Aquí resulta indispensable el uso del diccionario.
Bueno, eso es todo por ahora. Les deseo un feliz y productivo fin de semana.
martes, 15 de marzo de 2011
कामो सोलुसिओनर लोस कांफ्लिक्टोस
लोस कांफ्लिक्टोस से पुएदें फोर्मर पोर ला इन्सतिस्फ़क्किओन दे उन परसोना अ उन कोसा ओ अ ओत्र परसोना।
यो क्रेओ कुए नोसोत्रोस पोदेमोस रेसोल्वेर एस्तोस प्रोब्लेम्स कोगिएन्दो ला एस्त्रतेगिस दे लॉस लिअनस ओ कोम्बिनार्ला कों ला एस्त्रतेगिया दे कैमिला अगुदेलो कुए ओं : ला सोलुसिओं पस्कुँल य लॉस लिअनस देल कांफ्लिक्टो य रेसोल्वेर एस्ते कांफ्लिक्टो मास रापिदो य पसिफिकामेंते।
एन मी सालों से अ विस्तो उन ग्रां प्रोब्लेम ल्लामदो "प्रेफ़ेरेन्किअस" य परा रेसोल्वेर एस्ते ग्रां प्रोब्लेम कुए असुमे ५आ एस मेज्क्लार इसस दोस य तम्बिएँ हसर उन प्रोमेसा एन फोरम दे नो रेगानार्लोस कामो एन फोरम दे कारिकातुरा य नो टेनर उन सना क्न्विवेंचिया एन ५आ कामो एरा देस्दे उन कोमिएन्ज़ो दे अनो। सी एल प्रोब्लेम से ल्लेगा अ रेसोल्वेर दे एस्तास एस्त्रतेगिअस से पोद्रिया अप्लिकार एन मुचोस कांफ्लिक्टोस!!!!
lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011
my plant °°moñito°°
My plant
PORPOUSE: To look at the life cycle of one living thing and how is all the process through the one it have to pass.
HYPOTHESIS: My hypothesis was that °°Moñito°° was going to be a healthy plant that would grow normally with the help of all the resources it need.
When I plant my as my hypothesis said I thought it was going to grow but today my plant haven’t grow and I give the plant water sun light and I always care about it. Some reason by the ones I think my plant didn’t grow is because maybe it need more sunlight or I could also put too much water or maybe it could I need to be less water I thing also that one of the last reasons that it doesn’t grow is because I could put °°Moñito°° to deep but know I have of experience that the next time I plant a seed or a plant I must watch more the things and the cares that it need for it can grow without any problem
1. A plastic container
2. Some seeds
3. Soil
4. Water
First you take the plastic container and you add soil then you add the seeds and they have to be down the soil for they can grow and then diary you have to feed them with water also given it sunlight and you have to wait until your plant start to grow strong and happy and you will be happy because you give life to a real living thing.
¿I prove or not prove my hypothesis?
I didn’t prove my hypothesis because I thought °°Moñito°° was going to grow but it didn’t grow so I didn’t my hypothesis was totally wrong.
domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011
my plant (mr.bean)
My plant- Lilly, Oliver and Jaemy.
In January 14, we have to start a new life by planting a tree. I plant 3 beans called Lilly, Oliver and Jaemy because I thought that are beautiful names. All the days we have to put water to our plants and put it at the sun. In January 18, I saw the roots of my plant, I was very happy that my plant grows. In January 20, I saw the steem and the little leaves of Lilly and Oliver, I put water to my plants. In January 24, I saw that Jaemy was growing and growing like Lilly and Oliver. Lilly and Oliver already have the leaves very big and strong. In some days I saw my plants bigger and I thought that I am a good mom because I care about them, I give them love, sunlight and water for them to grow, and they do it. At first I think that they are not going to grow, and I was sad, but then they grow, and I felt very proud of my plants.
I learned that by doing this lab, that we had plenty of responsibility to keep alive our plants, we have to put them attention because if they need water and you dont put it, it would die, you have to give them love because the plant would grow in a good way and if not it would die, etc. But if you dont take acount all these things your plant will die. This was a experience very educative because this is like a guide that showed us how to care a baby and that it is not easy.
Most of all my classmates take care of their plants and they achieved to create a new life. Thats good because we are putting our own bit to be able to have a better world. We have to continue like this if we want a better world.
My baby biollet
Hypothesis: my plant would grow and are not going to dead because I am going to take care of them.
In January 14 we have a beautiful experience we plant some seeds and we create a new live, the seeds I plant were of “PENSAMIENTO”.
How we plant our seeds?
1st day Wright about my plant: We went to the soccer field and we took of a plant soil, then we put that soil in to our container I put the seeds I plant a lot because they were so little. And then some soil agene then I put some water and I put it in the class room.
2nd day I Wright about my plant: There was not change the roods don’t grow and it was like a week and I was so worried.
3rd day Wright about my plant: My plant absorbed all the water and the roods start to grow.
4th day Wright about my plant: I note a lot of changes the plants start to grow and there were a lot and so little.
5th day Wright about my plant: the plant were bigger and roods too, and a little plant start to grow in the middle of the plant.
How my plants grow?
My plan grow because I give it all days water, love I put it out of the class room for it absorbed sun and do not die I give it a lot of love and I pay a lot of attention to it.
Conclusion: My hypothesis was correct my plants grow and they don’t die they are healthy and the grow each day I take care of them I give them water now that plants are my little babies and I give them all the love I have each day.
Enduring understanding: To create a new live is so difficult is a big responsibility, I had learned that if we are going to create a new live we have to be responsible we must have on mind that we have to pay attention to it and it needs now my plant is part of my live. I learn to that all of the living beings are different and have gens and DNA.
science lab of the plant
Firts we talked with our teacher about the responsability of creating a new life.
We needed: seeds easy to gorw like beans or lents, soil that has the ingredients for the plant to grow, a plastic recipient where the plant can grow and we could see the process, and water for the plant to grow.
First we had to put some of the soil in the plastic recipient, then we planted the seed almost in the midel part of the plastic recipient, the techer told us to see the plant three days each week until the plant grow up, we also had to water it each day, but no't using so much water because we could kill the plant.
Even the seeds where easy to grow, we almost had to wait 3 weeks for the plants to grow.
Every day I water the plant and when the first week was finishing I could ovserved that some small roots where growing inside the soil, three days after the small root were now many and they were bigger, then the firt time I saw them. 4 days after I saw the big roots I could see a small green part of the plant that was getting out of the soil. 2 days after the plant was all ready out of the soil, it was big, but the leaves had to grow many more, they will be big the day after.
I think that the plant grew because I took care of the seed, I was very careful with the water I gave to it and because I didn't let any bad thing to happen to the plant until it grew.
In these science lab I learned that a new life is something that comes with a very big responsaility, because we have to take care of it every time, it also have many rigths we have to think about, we have to give it food, take care when it is seek, so you have to be mature before thinking to crete a new life.
sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011
Mi plant (Alfonso)
On January 14th, I started to create a new life; I brought some seeds and a transparent recipient, a plant to grow needs water nice soil, and the most important thing: love. When the plant is out of the seed, needs sun to continue grow in a correctly way.
A plant was those parts:
· Roots: Are super important in the plant, here the water and nice nutrients are absorbed to the plant work nicely.
· Stem: Is needed to maintain standing the plant and to lead the nutrients to the leaf.
· Leaf: They take the carbon dioxide and transform it into oxygen.
· Flower: Sometimes the plant have it, this has the reproductive system (male and female).
Was a nice experience because I learnt that every life has an important function and is special to the world works as the way that everyone needs. Those plants are needed to complete the life cycles that is necessary to do.
At the beginning, I put 2 seeds in the recipe, but miraculously I saw that were 3, unfortunately 2 of them dead, I was so sad and worried because those plants received a lot of water and love, then, I don’t know how, another seed was opening and was different to the other plants, was stronger.
I saw some plants that haven’t grow, maybe was because:
· The owner didn’t give them enough water.
· The owner gave them a lot of water and they dead.
· Was a bad seed.
· That was a bad soil.
· The seeds were so stuck and they couldn’t grow.
This plant was a good example of what a life cycle is, also that our life is important and contributes in the life of the other species. This unit: the summative, the articles that are in the blog, helped me to now, understand and respect as the world is, is beautiful, is fascinating, I want to all my enduring understandings stay in my heart and my heart to transmit them generation to generation.
The world is our house, conserve it and the species who live there.
Our unit of inquiry was about the perpetuation of species, life cycles, reproduction and changes. To reproduce is to create a new life; we made an experiment where we reproduce because we make a new life.
On January 14th Angie told us to bring a plastic container, I had no idea what we were going to do until she said to bring also a seed, so I understand we were going to plant that seed. I plant a lentil because they grow fast and good and I called it Popsy.
Today it has grown a lot it’s very big, tall and healthy. Every morning I spread water on it, and I recorded in Popsy’s diary all Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The first four days I was getting sad because Popsy didn’t grow, but the next week I saw a little new leaf growing.
Plants grow if you give it water and sunlight and if someone takes care of it and give it love. I think my plant grows because I always in the morning or sometimes in the afternoon, I gave it water, sometimes I let it have sunlight and I always take care of it.
This activity helps me to understand the importance of new a life. A new life is a very big responsibility. Most of the days Popsy grows about 5 millimeters or 1 centimeter tall; now it is about 13.5 cm tall. And also its steam is very stronger every day.
On the other hand, we are helping the world because, although it is not the bigger plant, it is a plant that absorbs the carbon dioxin and give us oxygen to live better. To plant a seed is just a little action, but can you imagine what we could do if everyone in all the world plants a seed; the world would have more oxygen and humans and living beings would breathe better!
This is just a little action to save the planet; there are other small actions to use properly the water don’t throw garbage, don’t use sprays, use the light properly, reduce, reuse and recycle.
BY: Laura Alvarado
my plant SA and MY (SAMY)
My plant lolipop
I was so anxious the first day, that I put it in her house, I saw her and I put her water.
I feel so good because I was going to be mother! I said: I am going to be mother! I can´t believe it! So I was so anxious to be mother. They pass weeks and my plant grows. I feel so happy because I am a good mother because I was doing my work very well.
I saw it grow and grow and I was saying OMG it is growing! But then there was the problem, my plant stops to grow and the other plants start to grow a lot and I was like grow lollipop, but she don’t wants to grow, it had a lot of roots, but I don’t understand why she was not growing so I was so preoccupant, but I said why she is not growing?
Then I think from when she was like that and I found that it was one day I don’t went to the school. I am sad because know I know that I can be a bad mother, but I think that I am only preparing to be a good mother. I know I am in process, but I don’t like that my plant die and don’t grow like the other ones. I am sad, but I am in process so I don’t worried so much, because I know that when I grow up I am going to be a very good mother. I want that my children be like me in the way of the things I like, like dance, sing, etc.
I know my children’s are not going to be bad of the way they are.
Going again to the thing of the plant I am so sad because my beautiful plant dies, but it doesn’t matter a lot because it is a plant, I know that if I was that day in the school she was not going to die, because nobody made me the favor of give her water and she dies because of that, because nobody made me the favor of give it water.
So I am happy and sad. Happy because I learned to be responsible and sad because my beautiful lollipop die.
Jinny my beautiful plant !!!
Create a new life, planting a seed.
PURPOSE: By planting a seed (creating a new life) we can see how this living being grows.
HYPOTHESIS: My expectations are that Jinny (my dear and beautiful plant) grows correctly, with all the things it need, my love, water, sun and good soil.
INTRODUCTION: The beans I planted grow if you give love, care, atention,sun, water,etc..
Plants reproduce asexually, because they doesn't need a sperm or an ovule to reproduce, they reproduce by themselves that´s an asexual reproduction.
When my bean grew, it has an aspect strange because the bean goes out of the soil but when the bean get out the lives has a beautiful aspect. When the lives are already out of the bean, the beans dry and it have an aspect like of a raisin.
When the seed of the bean fall down and fall into the soil, the life cycle star again.That's why it's an asexual reproduction.
- Transparent plastic container.
- Seeds ( anyone)
- Water
- Good soil
- Love, care and responsability.
- In the container put good soil until the soil is at the midle.
- Put the seeds in the container, when the soil is already there.
- Complete puting the soil in the container, making sure that the container is not full and cover the seeds.
- Water the plant with enough water.
- Put it in the sun.
Jinny grew correctly and I am happy for it, at the first days all the plants of my classmate were growing so quickly and I felt some sad and disappointed, but Jinny started growing and I felt a sense of comfort in knowing that Jinny was growing and I was doing a great work.
My plant
Create a new live planting a seed.
Plant a seed and see all it process.
The cycle of my plant was really incredible because is not a bean, is not a lentil is an especial flower that I planted in my house and I seee how it grow , when was little I only see a little part of green , all the plants have a process.
1. Germination
2. Seed sprout
3. Flowering
4. Pollination
5. Flower to fruit
My plant do all that process, only need the 4 and 5 to finish , my plant is a petunia and have aproximately 3 months, I think is really beautiful, I think my plant is going to survive to much.
All I do all days for look my plant grow:
When in a day not rain I put water, I think is good have the plants out so I put it out because it need sun water and rain so I take out.
My plant is very small but it is going to grow so much because when I'm not in the house it receives all necessary of the nature.
Now it grows without problems and is going to reproduce in a time when is prepeared to do it.
All living things need water, and someones need food because the plants cannot eat, they absorb the water that give the rain or us.
The plants do something very important in our lives and we are distroing them, they do the photosintesys that give us the air because they take the water, the carbon dioxide and the solar light and make the air for us to breathe.
Vimus my dear plant
- A transparent plastic container
- Water
- Fresh or good soil
- Seeds (beans, lentils, flowers)
- Love and responsibility
- Insert fresh or good soil into the plastic transparent container
- Then put the seed and cover it with more soil
- Water the plant
- Expose it for have sun
! my plant - ºº crispeta junior ºº !
My plant is call ºº crispeta junior ºº
The 1 first steps we did was having some seeds, we went to the park and we have a plastic container and we have to put some soil there, then we were taking the soil from there and we found some worms, we have to put allot of soil but not exactly to the top but in the mettle, in the mettle we put the seeds and we cover the seeds whit more soil.
Every time that happens something to the plant we need to rite in the journal
All the dais I wheat there was nothing in my plant so I thing that my plant die, all the dais I put water, one day I come to the classroom and my plant have a grass so I was very happy.
The other days I go to the classroom and I so my plant every time was bigger, one day that I come to school my plant was very big she had one rot of the bean I plant , so I pot allot of water because I want my plant to grow.
Then of a time my plant was very big so I am very happy because I know that I can take care about plants and that makes me happy.
One day I go to the classroom and my plant all ready was big, my plant is like 30 cm long I am very happy.
I thing that to take care about a plant you need: sun, soil, water, love and care
I taught who to take care about a plant and I know that in a future when are going to needed to plant a tree.
I am very happy because I know that if in a future all humans are going to plant a tree we are going to be Vetter because we are going to breathing beater.
When we plant a tree the tree help us to helps retain soil so there are not landslides
And the trees prevent or reduce soil erosion and water pollution
Well – managed forest are a sustainable source of wood.
domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011
MOTHER: I have the legs, feet,teeth, fingers, hands, hair color, skin color of my mom so in this case she is the dominat and my dad is ressesive.
FATHER: I have the eyes, eyebrows, head shape, nose and likes of my dad so in this case he is the dominant and my mom is ressesive.
But I also have the temperament of the two, that happens when they mixed so is called co-dominant.
I look like this because the life decided to make me like this and I love the way I am, I consider me cute, sweet, funny, and I love me the way I am, because I'M UNIQUE! and anybody in the world is like me.Why do I look like this?
The DNA is like a USB where there’s a lot of information. Imagine my parents are two USBs and there is born a little USB, which is me, this little USB have joined the information of the other USBs, there is a new USB with unique information, like me.
<My eyes color, my hair color, my chin and my cheek are the same as my mother. So in these characteristics my mother DNA was the dominant.
< My skin color, my hands, my nose, my height and my feet measure are the same as my father. So in these characteristics my father DNA was the dominant.
> But I also have some other characteristics that are a mix from both which are my ears and my temperament, like I just said these is called co-dominant.
why do I look like this
father :the characteristics I inherit from my father are my completely black hair my eye brows my face shape my mouth my legs my hands my ears my skin tone and my legs and arms hair
mother :the characteristics I inherit from my mom are my nose my eye lashes my fits my arms my neck my thonge and my fingers
Why do I look like this?
I look like this because God decide to make me like this. Like the way I am God love me. I think to I am like this because when my mother and my father where going to made me the sperms of my mother and my father be together I take some parts of my body from my mother and other from my father. I love the way I am because I am not perfect and I don’t want to be perfect because ¿Why people want to be perfect? ¿Perhaps they don’t like how God made them? I don’t understand. ¿ Why be perfect? Nobody is perfect except God. And being realistic I don’t want to be perfect and I don’t like the persons who want to be perfect. I think that the ones who want to be perfect never are going to be perfect so ¿why they try? I think they are wasting the time making all the things they know that with that they can be perfects but no! The only one perfect is God and God decide to make them perfect or no! Why they waste money in things that are stupid? I don’t know. So my answer is simple I look like this because God want to make me see like this. It doesn’t matter if I am beautiful or ugly I am the way I am.