A life cycle is a process wich living beigns go through.
To be born
To grow
To reproduce
To die
Life cycles are interrupted by two ways:
Is when a human or a living being expect the plants interrupted the life cycles of a living beign because of a disease, when humans kill animals for eat them, or because a predator interrupted in the life of other animals.
Is when the weather, a fungus, the global warming, the contamination interrupted the living beigns.
For example if a butterfly is flying and the wheather change complitley and quickly, to a weather so cold, the wheather could be interrupting the life cycles of the butterfly. Another example is the cacao in Mexico a fungus doesn't let the cacao grow and the cacao in Mexico is in danger of extintion because of the fungus, that's why the fungus is interrupting the life cycle of the cacao in Mexico.
We can help thinking first in what we're doing to all the species. When we are going to kill a tree, first think, is really necesary cut these tree? we really need it?. Well not only with plants, with animals too, first think wow I'm killing this little animal that doesn't do me nothing and I'm just killing for have the skin of these animal that is so important to the planet and is in danger of extincion, only for me. No always humans is the most important thing in the world, so let's think in what we do.
By: Sofia García
Sofi! Nice but, where´s your personal action?