Aquí encontrarás cómo la reproducción puede afectar la perpetuación de las especies de seres vivos.
lunes, 31 de enero de 2011
why and how we reproduce?
How and why humans reproduce
The human reproduction is by sexual reproduction the man have the spermatosoids in somenting that is named semen the, semen is contain in the testicles, in an man and wemen intercourse they use the reproductive for create new live the man introduce the semen in the wemen to they for go to the ovary And create like a egg that create the baby and it grows and it have the size and it is sufficintly developed to survive on its own they born.
Texto Argumentativo
Yo estoy a favor de la superpoblación en las plantas y animales por que esto puede llegar a perpetuar siertas especies que ya se van a extinguir, puede haber mas biodiversidad de plantas y animales, podemos disfrutar mas estas especies, además su ciclo de vida ya no sera interrumpido por los humanos y las especies pueden tener su propia vida.
Y estoy en contra de la superpoblacion en los humanos por que ahora el problema es ¿Que pasara si la superpoblación sigue aumentando en los humanos? Esta es una pregunta muy difícil de responder pero creo que hay una solución y es educar a los adolescentes o niños sobre la reproducción sexual porque esto es lo que mas se ve hoy en día en los adolescentes, que ellos no tienen la edad suficiente para tener o cuidar a un hijo, por eso se estresan y esto puede llegar al tema del aborto. (embarazo no deseado). El aborto tambien lo pueden causar los problemas familiares.
La superpoblación no solo lo causa el embarazo no deseado, también lo causa la reproducción en exceso por que hay muchas familias que tienen mas de 7 u 8 hijos y no tienen lo suficientes recursos para poderlos mantener ya que esto causa que destruyamos los habitats de otras especies y la extinción de especies.
Si la superpoblación sigue creciendo en China o en India que pasara? Yo creo que van a construir otro territorio para que los países que tengan superpoblación por ejemplo en China o en India es que el 50% de las personas se pasen a vivir ahí para que quede equilibrado el porcentaje de personas que viven ahí. O que se pasen a vivir a otro país que no tenga el problema de la superpoblación.
Además que nosotros dependemos de la naturaleza y los animales por que si los animales ya no tienen de donde comer entonces ellos se van a extinguir y ya no habrá alimento para los humanos y nos morimos osea que todo nuestro ciclo de vida va a terminar por culpa de los humanos quien estamos talando arboles usandolos para hacer cosmeticos, lapices, etc... Los animales los estamos usando para llevarlos a un circo, un museo, para hacer trajes de piel, etc... Les repito que nosotros dependemos de ellos y si algun dia se extinguen todas las plantas y los animales pues nosotros tambien nos moriremos.
Por: Laura Camila Ramírez Forero.
domingo, 30 de enero de 2011
Why and how humans reproduce?
Humans reproduce having sexual relationships with a male or a female reproductive sistem, the sex cells of a male is called spermatozids and the one of the women is called egg or ova (gametes), when the spermatozoid and the ova joins (fertilization) this produce into a new baby.
Why humans reproduce?
Humans reproduce sometimes by having a new family, others for fun, others for feel it, or sometimes other people for do it and no more but this is happen more frecuency in the teenagers because they dont now how to care a baby, so they abort the baby, or they abandon it. But if you have the age to care a baby it don´t have any problem. Finally this is part of the life cycle.
The reproduction is very important in the life cycle and the perpetuation of human being, to make other people have a life too. But life cycle has an order which is important to follow and respect (to be born, to grow, TO REPRODUCE and to die). And it’s important to know that to have a baby is a very big responsibility and you have to be the enough mature to know that a new life it’s a high commitment.
How and why humans reproduce
The humans reproduce because they need to perpetuate their species, the humans reproduce by sexual reproduction.
Human reproduce when the sperm introduce on the ovule and it create a new life is a baby the sperms make a race and the one win enters to the ovule ,the sperm move with the Little tales they have when the sperm enters to the ovule the little tale go out of the sperm ,to reproduce well you have to use protection ,if not the sperm you have will enter to the ovule and you will have many ,many babies or also you will have BIH and you will die because you are not making the good process to reproduce.
Humans reproduce to the perpetuation of species and to make a new life you have to have a very good responsibility ,and also you have to make a very good decision of having a baby because some people that have 13 years think they are so mature to have a baby but some time they abort or also they kill the babies I think you have to make a good decision to have a baby or not and also to have a baby you have to be so mature and have the money to give things to the babies.
Juan Sebastian Corzo
Human beings must play in order to contribute to the perpetuation of the species, because this is very important for us not extinct and we can continue living in our world, which happens to all living beings.
Well is pretty easy to explain why humans reproduce, well is natural and is part of the life cycle to burn, to grow, to reproduce, to die. To reproduce is one of the things most normal in the nature.
Humans reproduce because it is part of our lives, and the nature was created like that and we can't fight with the nature.
Humans reproduce to create new life, not only because of that, people reproduce to have a family, or it can be an accident.
Well but be carefull because if you take the decision to reproduce and create a new life, first think if you have the sufficient resourses to have a baby.
How do humans reproduce?
To reproduce is necessary two people of opposite sex, a man and a woman, the man have a different reproductive sistem and the woman have another reproductive sistem, in the reproductive sistem of the woman have a sez cell called ovule and the sex cell of the man is the spermatozoide, when the sex cell of the men and the sex cell of the woman meet they create a new life.
But if you want to have a baby you most plan the pregnancy.
humans reproduse sexuali, it means that female need the sex cell of the male (spermatosoids), and male needs the sex cell of female (ovule) the female and the male depends on each other to create a new life.
they create a new life when spermatosoid the ovule have contact this proces is called fertilization.
i think that we reproduce to do that our raze last for a long time and perpetuate , and to complete a life cycle (be born, gorw uo, reproduce and die), it aso is important because is nesesari to give life to others and that they continue doing this cycle for ever so we dosent extinct.
for all there time in life! so do all at the rigth time and enjoy your life!
Organisms have sex cells called gametes, humans reproduce sexually, that means that women and men need each other and their reproductive cells (gametes), in mens the reproductive cells are spermatozoids and in women the ovule, so they join them to create a new life, this is fertilization.
NOTE: When making the decision of having a baby be sure with who and you have to take into your mind who you will support the baby, and also if you alredy have the age or if you are really mature.
In conclusion human reproduction is a very important thing, but responsable sexual reproduction and natural for the perpetuation of species.
Sebastián González
Why and how humans reproduce
by santiago lopez
why do we reproduce ?
we reproduce by the same requirement of any living thing we reproduce for perpetuate our species for continue living but first we have to grow and wait that our reproductive system is totally develop and if not we are going to have complications and the baby can born ill and the mother can die if you reproduce when your reproductive system is to younger because everything is a cycle first you born then you grow you reproduce and you die. And if we doesn’t perpetuate the answer is simple we are going to be extinct.
how we reproduce ?
in the human reproduction we need a pair a male and a female first the testicles of the men keep something called sperms the middle of them produce males and the other middle contain females the head of the sperm contain the adn and all the information about the baby then down of that head there is some kind of energy that is responsible for the tail to move then the spermatozoids participate in some kind of race and there are millions of them first for get out of the testicles the have to go through something called epididymis and there they wait there to go out but that is decided by the male when he want to have sexual relationships and when he have them the sperms are conducted by something called penile urethra next of that they enter into the vagina and there all kind of defenses of the women that try to kill the sperms so everything inside there is against them in the vagina they enter to fallopian tubes and they have to found the ovules there they fertilize and when they enter the tail falls they doesn’t need it any more so it get just the head the one that contain the genetics and information about the baby and next of that the mom have to wait nine months until the baby develop and is ready to go to the world.
why and how humans reproduce
sábado, 29 de enero de 2011
! why the human being reproduce ? !
- a human being can reproduce whit the women reproductive system and the male reproductive system when the male and the women joins something called egg and sperm and when the egg and the sperm joins it is called fertilization and whit that they make a new life a baby .
The human being reproduce to create a new life to bring more people to the world and because one of most beautiful things that to a a person can happen is have a a baby
For me to have a baby is very important because a baby can change my life, a baby is one of most important things in the world because that little person maybe can change al the world
Reproduction is part of the life cycle
Why and how humans reproduce
Humans reproduce making sex. The sex is when a boy and a girl put together their bodies and pass an especial “seed” that do a baby.
The ones who pass the seed are the boy and the girl.
We do sex because it is the human cycle. It is normal but you need a lot of caution.
To Care for a baby you need: Money, resources, love, care and affection.
A baby is a seriously thing, because you need to put that baby a lot of attention and a lot of more things.
Why humans reproduce
There are a lot of explications and different cases.
1. Some persons do sex to have fun or to receive money.
2. Other persons do it to feel how it is.
3. Other persons do it to get pregnant.
4. Other persons do it because they love persons but they don’t know if that person is the one.
5. And the last one is because they real love and it is how to do it! With the person you are married and who you know you are going to be all your life.
You can make sex, but with the person you are married with and with the person you know that you are going to stay for the rest of your life.
how and why humans reproduce
The human being use the system of sexual reproduction as many other living beings in this system there is necesary to have two individuals, of the same specie, but of different sexes each one.
They have to join, so the sex cell of the male called sperm enter to the female reproductive system, to join with the female sex cell called ovule and make a process called fusion or fertilzation.
First than the fertilzation the humans have to grow, so they can be more mature and when their bodies and mind are ready to recive the son that is a new life.
All the living beings have a life cycle, also every living being have to all the functions in they life cycles .Some of the die very early and the can't do all the functions in their life cycles That functions are to be born, to grow, to be big, to reproduce and then to die. That also happens to the human being. But now many humans are not mature when they have sex and thats why many kids are abortive or are abandoned, because now the teenayers don't think in the responsability that is to create a new life.
why and how we reproduce?
miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011
martes, 25 de enero de 2011
Asexual reproduction
In asexual reproduction, only one parent cell is needed. The structures inside the cell are copied, and then the parent cell divides, making two exact copies.
Before a cell divides, it must make a copy of its DNA witch is organized.
In a sexual reproduction the cells that give the women and the man are totally different, with that cells they do a baby, it is so especial to some parents to have a baby.
Regeneration is the process that uses cell division to grow body parts.
Regeneration is made regulated by asexual cellular process. And maybe some parts of living things cannot be completed so much because they are asexual process.
The Fragmentation
Sometimes a new starfish can come from the cutting arm of an other starfish, but that just occurs when a peace of the arm have a fragment of the mouth of the starfish.
I think the asexual reproduction is not well seen in humans because if all of us are equal all the thinks would be boring because you can’t tell someone something like, "you are pretty" because all the people is the same; I think is bad too because people can’t express their love to others because you can’t have sexual relationships and have sex is like a form of express your love to the person you love.
DEFINITION: Fragmentation or Clonal Fragmentation is a form of asexual reproduction or cloning where an organism divides into fragments. Each of these fragments develops fast and good that are a clone of the original organism.
Fragmentation is seen in many organisms such as molds, some annelid worms, and sea stars.The division of two elements of single-celled organisms such bacteria, protozoa and algae is a type of fragmentation.
Molds, yeast, and mushrooms, all of which are part of the Fungi kingdom, produce tiny filaments called hyphae. These hyphae obtain food and nutrients from the body of other organisms to grow and fertilize. Then a piece of hyphae breaks off and grows into a new individual and the cycle continues. Fragmentation is observed in nonvascular plants like, liverworts and mosses.
REFLECTIONS: If asexual reproduction (clonning) is natural, why is it negative in humans? Because the life cicle would be altered and we would never die, also we would have overpopulation because we clone many people and we would have resource shortages of food, and money.
What could happen if humans clone? We will lose the sexual reproduction, and we couldn`t see diversity of type of people, black people, yellow, etc...
Sebastian Gonzalez
Asexual reproduction (Splitting)
These is the proses where the a living thing takes a produce by its own, cells reproduce until he get the right figure and a normal size, example the starfish these incredible animal reproduce by the regeneration of cells he produce he reproduce by losing his arm the arm regenerate and then a starfish came out from that peace of starfish.
Asexual reproduction is a process in which a living being that can reproduce asexually produces both things are needed to help the perpetuation of their species to continue generate life, in the case of humans is a sexual proses and we were designed to reproduce with another living being to perpetuate our species. Cloning is a process which generates a person or objects completely the same but if we clone a human being would be contributing to overpopulation.
by Santiago López
The fragmentation is the asexual reproduction when an animal split into fragments and that fragments became in a new life. Sometimes the animal split intentional. Fragmentation is caused by mitosis.
The sea star is a good example, when her legs divide from that leg some others start to grow and it make another star. There are also the Annelid worms, corals, fungi, planarians and lichens.
REFLECTION: I think that the reason because people don’t think good about the asexual (conation) reproduction is because the conation is broking the normal life cycle of a human being which is be born, grow, REPRODUCE, and die. And I think the problem if all were clones is to start seeing that everyone is the same which makes you ignore what you could do like to make a family and to see what is really beautiful.
FRAGMENTATION: the fragmentation is when an asexual animal separate it reproductive cells system in the quantity they need for create a female or a male.
I think that the asexual reproduction in humans is imposible because the humans need to have sexual reproduction with a female and a male and it cannot be because all living things have different ways to reproduct , and also they reproductive system most be different than ours so they can have that capacity to reproduct by them selfes .
I think that if the humans clone that would be bad because every single human have a personality and all of them are especial how they are and in these society every one help the planet to be in balance and if we get clonedthe world would be like a robot world all people would have the same prsonality the same actions and the same way of living and i woulnt like that because you need to interact with other people and know their opinion not just yours
!! Fragmentation !!
- the fracmentacion is a type of reproduction, where an animal is in 2 or more dibide fragments .
fragmentation is a way of reproducing asexually . this way of reproducing is were a new organism grows from a fragment that falls down from the body of his parent , this little fragment grow and it transform into a mature individual . there are some individuals that reproduce by fragmentation like the starfish .
1. if asexual reproduction is natural , why is it negative in humans ?
humans come to the world with one intention , to reproduce and create a family , composed by a man, a woman and their kids , this is what people that belive in God say , i belive this . also because humans were created to reproduce sexually , woman depend on the male sex cells (spermatozoids) , and a men depend on the female sex cells ( ovule ) to reproduce .
2. what could happen if humans clone ?
each human being has its own identity , if you were clonned you could feel that they took your own identity , if you shared your life with somebody else , you could not be a unik person . when you were born you were supposed to have 50% of your dads gens and 50% of your moms gens , that makes you a unik person , nobody can look like you .
if everybody was cloned the diversity could be over , we will look the same , there wont be diferent races .
How it works:
lunes, 24 de enero de 2011
- Mi problema es los riesgos que puede causar la clonación humana en un futuro.
- Nuestras preguntas son:
- ¿ Cual es la probabilidad de que los clones humanos salgan con enfermedades?
- ¿ Como la clonación, tanto humana como animal puede afectar la reproducción?
- ¿ Como la deformación de los clones puede afectar la reproducción sexual?
- Clonación de plantas y animales.
- Clonación humana.
- Ventajas y desventajas de la clonación humana.
La clonación es el proceso científico de el cual se duplican las moléculas de un ser vivo y se crea otro con las mismas características. Es una creación artificial ya que no se crea naturalmente.
La idea de hacer clones fué con el propósito de que la perpetuación de las especies se conservara más. Pero hacer un clon humano puede tener deformaciones y/o enfermedades importantes en un clon.
Uno de los problemas que encontramos fué que si en futuro el número de clones aumenta, entonces van a ver más enfermedades; y si alguna persona tiene relaciones sexuales con un clon, tal vez pude nacer o heredar deformaciones el cual nos llevaría a la extinción.
Nuestro grupo lo conforma:
- Lala Alvarado
- Manu Aguilera
- Jaime Torres